may 22: new seeds, and a cat appears!

I've been careful about letting our cat Griffin out on the balcony, seeing as there are many plants out here that are not cat-friendly.

He gets curious, though, and I get it! So many things to see and smell! He might not know what's not good to eat, but he knows it's all exciting.

So he goes out on occasion for supervised "excursions." Mostly, he smells, and smells.. and smells. If he sniffs something for a little too long, we know he's about to take a bite, and we steer him away.

He also likes crawling under things, and trying to get out beyond the railing, and giving me a heart attack.

But he likes coming out to say hello to the world, and I like it too. I think it's good for him.

Look how handsome he is! :)

Griffin sniffing on some Fuchsia x hybrida

I just can't get over these fuchsias. I'm glad I got them, even though they were a mess to work with. Fuchsia flowers are so effortlessly magical - colors of bright pink and deep purple, with long and graceful stamens. They look unreal, almost like they came straight out of a fantasy video game.

The foliage can look a bit unruly, though, which means it looks best hanging, which is how you'd best see the fairy-like blossoms anyways.

A close-up of the Fuchsia x hybrida blossoms 

I filled some trays with seeds that my mom gave me a couple days ago, and I was completely astonished to find the morning glories popping out already!

It's been maybe three days. Strong growers.

Morning glory seedlings, yet to grow their sets of true leaves

And in a feat of many sprinklings of tiny, tiny seeds, I've completed my vegetable tower, complete with a DIY greenhouse cover I made from clear vinyl and wire. This should help hold moisture in while the seedlings grow.

Fingers crossed!

I know it's late in the season, but I'm rolling right on ahead in the spirit of experimentation and curiosity.




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