may 25: sprouts, sprouts!

As usual, I walked out onto the balcony this morning and found reason to stay out there for hours. Griffin even came out for a bit, too.

Lots of photos today!

Griffin poking his nose out under the fuchsia

The European mesclun salad mix seeds from Baker Creek are coming up first. So exciting to see new shoots!

Sprouts from European mesclun mix

 The morning glories are doing so well, too!

Morning glory seedlings

Everything's busy growing...




And some repotting happened.

I spent some time planting portulaca cuttings. Apparently, they should root in two weeks' time.

Portulaca cuttings

Here's two impatiens cuttings from my mom's garden in Birmingham, Alabama. I'm been trying to root them for a while now. They have bent stems from being in glassware.

Impatiens cuttings

I stuck the 'Blue Spruce' sedum cuttings that were doing so well in root trays in with this repotting of succulents.

Old and new succulents

A small but exciting harvest of borage leaves! Maybe I'll put these in a salad tomorrow.

Young borage leaves

The mysterious sidewalk plant has yet to be identified, but I love taking photos of it.


Here's a last picture of Griffin out on the balcony :)



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