Spring is undeniably here!
I've been busy arranging and rearranging my (small) balcony garden since my partner and I moved to our new place at the start of the month. I think my cacti and succulent arrangement on my red table keeps looking better and better, though it's a shame I didn't get a picture before the yellow "Sunset Glow" flowers in the largest pot all disappeared!
I'm starting a garden blog to document my adventures with plants in my garden and elsewhere. It feels so rewarding to be able to work a flexible schedule and devote daylight hours to getting my garden properly set up! A privilege, to be sure.
I envision each post as a photo essay of sorts to provide visual documentation of my growing things. So this first post shall serve as a small introduction to my small garden. Hopefully the photos will improve with time, as I get back into the groove of photo editing.
Cacti and succulents on a vintage gold/bronze bar cart |
Two varieties of begonias planted together, catching rays of light |
Indoor Peperomia clusiifolia with curled new leaves |
Mr. Stacky stacking containers will serve as a vegetable tower |
Blueberry bush, Top Hat variety, from Bowood Farms in St. Louis |
Propagation experiments with succulents! |
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