may 23: just add water!

I was so happy this morning to see my little greenhouse contraption working as I had hoped! It had kept moisture inside pretty well, with the bottom container drying out the most. Makes sense, since that's where I had left a gap for ventilation.

Veggie tower with DIY greenhouse

In sprout news, these morning glory shoots are really blowing me away! It's amazing what just water, soil, and sunlight can do.

Grow, babies, grow!

Morning glory seedlings, two to a cell

The sad task today in regards to these seedlings was having to pick one of the two in each cell to continue growing.

Apparently, this allows the remaining living seedlings the advantage of accessing all the nutrients in the soil. Better to have one healthy plant than two semi-healthy ones, I suppose.

Still, it was strange to pluck out these small, growing things to let their bigger siblings grow. I think this might be one of those things you start not thinking twice about once you've had a growing season or two under your belt.

But for now, a moment of silence... for the younglings that didn't make it. I'm sorry, guys!

Morning glory seedlings that didn't make the cut

I found a happy view in my propagating Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' (tentative ID). It's so magical to me to see groundcovers like these put out roots seemingly mid-stem to attach onto any soil around them.

I might let the little weed seedling (on the right side of the front-most cell in the photo) that found purchase in this tiny cell to hang out for a day or two. What were the chances it would fall into that tiny patch of soil?  

Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce' puts out two thin white roots 

Some photos of blooms around the garden:


Scopia 'Gulliver' Bacopa showing off a lavender bloom and a more beautifully faded, bluish dried blossom

And because I'm never not stopping to look at the plants around me, a picture of a weed(?) I found that grew just in the past day over the sidewalk beside the apartment.

I love low-growing plants like this. It has a nice delicate look to it, with small brownish round parts that I can only assume are blossoms. I brought a piece home, and hopefully I'll be able to identify it soon.

Mystery sidewalk plant 


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